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Dual Credit

Official Logos and Colors | South Texas College

Dual Credit with STC

Dual credit classes are courses offered to high school students through an official agreement between South Texas College and DISD. These specific, pre-approved courses meet both district and college guidelines in order to provide credit both in high school and college. No grade points are awarded for courses not taught on the high school campus during the regular school day and specific procedures must be followed. 

  • Students take a course at Donna ISD for the purpose of gaining high school and college credit simultaneously

  • Partnered with STC who certifies teachers to teach at their respective high schools while teaching an STC course

  • Teachers teach at their respective high school but need to be certified with STC to teach the STC course

  • Enrollment of historically underserved students, targeting at-risk an economically disadvantaged 

  • Provides dual credit at no cost to students

  • Offers rigorous instruction and accelerated courses

  • Increases college readiness